美国独立战争(American War of Independence,1775年—1783年),一开始是主要发生于大英帝国和其北美十三州殖民地的革命者之间的一场战争。这场战争主要是始于为了对抗英国的经济政策,但后来却因为法国、西班牙及荷兰加入战争对抗英国,而使战争的范围远远超过了英属北美洲之外。同时,许多印地安人为双方打仗。但其实根据北美历史的记载,在战争爆发之前,英国已经取消了大部分施加在北美殖民地人民身上的税,对于其殖民地的运营,英国政府实际上已经处于经济亏损状态,而美国的独立原因也并不简单,英国历史学家的普遍看法是,在18世纪末,奴隶制度在英国本土已经饱受诟病,面临取缔,从19世纪开始,英国政府授权皇家海军可以攻击任何一艘被怀疑卷入奴隶贸易的海上商船,再加上英国允诺北美十三州的印第安人以大片的自治土地,这些因素对殖民北美的大奴隶主造成沉重的打击,而引起他们对英国政府的强烈不满。战争开始后,英国政府宣布与英国一同作战的黑奴可以获得人身自由,因此大批黑奴逃入加拿大的英国人控制区。从七年战争开始,英国人与北美的印第安人便缔结了同盟关系,尤其是纽约附近的莫霍克印第安人,在英国战败后遭到美国新政府的残酷报复,他们被驱逐至五大湖附近,在西进运动中又再一次被迫西迁。美国独立战争本质上是北美的原英国殖民者同英国中央政府因利益冲突而发生内讧,并进而决裂的结果;而通过战争独立出来的美利坚合众国本身恰恰就是盎格鲁撒克逊北美殖民统治的延续。
1. Introduction - Freeman's Top Five Tips for Studying the American Revolution
2. Being a British Colonist
3. Being a British American
4. "Ever at Variance and Foolishly Jealous": Intercolonial Relations
5. Outraged Colonials: The Stamp Act Crisis
6. Resistance or Rebellion? (Or, What the Heck is Happening in Boston?)
7. Being a Revolutionary
8. The Logic of Resistance
9. Who Were the Loyalists?
10. Common Sense
11. Independence
12. Civil War
13. Organizing a War
14. Heroes and Villains
15. Citizens and Choices: Experiencing the Revolution in New Haven
16. The Importance of George Washington
17. The Logic of a Campaign (or, How in the World Did We Win?)
18. Fighting the Revolution: The Big Picture
19. War and Society
20. Confederation
21. A Union Without Power
22. The Road to the Constitutional Convention
23. Creating a Constitution
24. Creating a Nation
25. Being an American: The Legacy of the Revolution
1. Introduction - Freeman's Top Five Tips for Studying the American Revolution
2. Being a British Colonist
3. Being a British American
4. "Ever at Variance and Foolishly Jealous": Intercolonial Relations
5. Outraged Colonials: The Stamp Act Crisis
6. Resistance or Rebellion? (Or, What the Heck is Happening in Boston?)
7. Being a Revolutionary
8. The Logic of Resistance
9. Who Were the Loyalists?
10. Common Sense
11. Independence
12. Civil War
13. Organizing a War
14. Heroes and Villains
15. Citizens and Choices: Experiencing the Revolution in New Haven
16. The Importance of George Washington
17. The Logic of a Campaign (or, How in the World Did We Win?)
18. Fighting the Revolution: The Big Picture
19. War and Society
20. Confederation
21. A Union Without Power
22. The Road to the Constitutional Convention
23. Creating a Constitution
24. Creating a Nation
25. Being an American: The Legacy of the Revolution